
Meet Erin & Rach

Hi!  Welcome to Homemade Happiness! 
We are Erin & Rachel! 

Hi, I’m Erin. I am life-long student with a new baby boy, new home in the South and a tendency for sarcasm. I treasure baseball, good books, ice cream, a little elbow grease, my sneakers, and - most of all - my family! I am married to my amazing best friend {Hubster}, who keeps me laughing, and mother to one incredible cutie {Mister M}.

My name is Rachel, and I am wife to an amazing man {Mr. Handsome} and mommy to two active little boys. {Little Man & Mr. B}.  I have a passion for photography, racquetball, diy crafts, music, learning new things, and most of all - spending time with my family!

We hope you'll join us as we work to create happiness in our homes and lives.
Life is beautiful. Life is good.

If you have an idea you would like to share or a question, please email us!

Thanks for stopping by! 

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