Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Family Paper Football Tournament

First, Happy Leap Day!  

My Dad taught me the wonderfully simple yet incredibly fun game of {paper football} when I was little.  I loved playing the game with my Dad or with my friends when they came over to hang out  I still love this little game, and it still makes me smile!  So, if you are ready to fill your house with smiles and giggles, huddle up!  Grab your jerseys, face paint and a water bottle and keep reading to see how you can have your own {Family Paper Football Tournament!!}

First, make your paper football!
I am sure most of you already know how to make a paper football, but just in case, here ya go!

Next...How to Play Paper Football

1. Two players sit across the table from each other.

2. To determine who goes first, rock-paper-scissors or another method of your choice works!

3. The player who is going first places the football on the table in from of him.  He then flicks the ball towards his opponent using one or more fingers or sliding it with his hand.

4. The ball is not be touched as it slides across the table.  If it falls off the table, no points.  If it stays on the table but is not hanging over the edge a little, no points.  To score a touchdown (worth 6 points), the football must be hanging off the edge of the table (a little or a lot!), like this:

5. If a touchdown is scored, the player who scored gets the ball back.  His opponent makes goal posts with his fingers by making an "L" shape with the thumb and pointer finger of each hand and putting them together (see below):

6. The player who scored then attempts an extra point by holding the football up on one corner with one hand and flicking it into the air towards the "goal posts" with the other hand.  It is the same type of motion as a real field goal. (just the mini finger version!)  If the football goes through the "goal posts" (like the picture above) then the extra point (worth one) is counted.
7. If no touchdown is scored, play continues back and forth until a player scores a touchdown and then he can try for an extra point.

8. The person who scores the most points is the winner!  (You can decide how many points you will go to or set a time limit for the game)

So, how can you turn this into a fun family tournament?  The sky is the limit!  Here are some ideas:

- Draw a bracket on poster board and hang it up for all tournament-goers to see
- Have lots of yummy snacks to much on
- Spend some time together before the tournament begins making and customizing your own footballs. (crayons, marker, paints, whatever you want!)
- Have some small prizes for the winner(s)
- Everyone stand around the table of the two who are playing and cheer them on.

This can be as simple or as grand as you want.  Be creative! Have fun!  We would love to see pictures of what you decide to do for your family tournaments.

I am excited to challenge Mr. Handsome to a game of paper football, if he dares:)

A family who plays together stays together!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Smile Challenge!

It's Monday again! I know, I know sometimes that statement does not deserve an explanation mark, but since it rolls around every 7 days we might as well embrace it. :)

How did last weeks Smile Challenge go? I chose to write a little note to Hubster. Naturally. After week of diligent study, he tackled the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). I decided to tell him just how proud I was of all his hard work in an early morning note before the test. It was a really great opportunity to tell him just how much he means to me.

P.S. He did really well on the test!!

I'm sure your notes did just as much to show someone how much you care. We'd love to hear about your Smile Challenge experiences. Leave a comment here, on our Facebook page, or shoot us an email!

In sticking with the note-writing theme, here is this week's {Monday Smile Challenge}:

{Your challenge should you choose to accept it}:
Write 3 Thank You Notes to a few people who have helped you out! You could write to your mom for always answering your silly questions, the neighbor girl who babysat last weekend, or a teacher at school who encourages you to do your very best.  Mail, email, Facebook, Tweet, Blog, or hand deliver your note to spread a little HAPPINESS  to those you appreciate. Then, drop us a message here, on Facebook or through email to let us know how it went!

Good Luck! And Happy Thanking!
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Friday, February 24, 2012

Edible Finger Painting

Little Man loves anything gooey.  He loves to squish, squirt and crumble.  I just know that he would love to fingerpaint, but I also know something else he loves to!  So, regular finger paints are out.  Enter {Edible Finger Paints!}  I originally saw this idea HERE and fell in love, so we decided to try it!

What you need:
- Plain yogurt
- Food coloring

 That's it!  Scoop some yogurt into small containers, drop in a tiny bit of food coloring (colors of your choice!) in each container.  Mix each color and you're ready to go!

 Mmm...tastes good!  Worry free painting! =)

This activity kept Little Man occupied for at least 20 minutes (pretty good for an 11 month old!), and it was very entertaining for me!  We will definitely be doing this again!  We used the high chair tray as Little Man's canvas, which was a blast.  You can put down a piece paper to paint on if you want to preserve your kiddo's creation.  Happy painting!

More fun kiddo activities coming soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Family Study Journal

At home, in my pseudo office/craft/exercise room, I have a collection of binders. 5 blissfully organized binders. Because Hubster and I have an over abundance of school work, two of the binders are reserved for past assignments, papers, and notes - all the boring stuff - but the other three binders are really very useful and did I mention organized?!? Yes? Well, I love the "O" word. I'm sure I'll eventually give you a little peek into all three binders but today I want to show off the latest edition: 

{The Family Study Journal}

I came up with this little idea as a way for Hubster and I to really focus on our spiritual study. We are constantly busy with school, work, projects, and loads of homework, so it is sometimes difficult to find time to hold our weekly Family Home Evening. {For more on the fabulous idea that is FHE click here} This binder serves as our year long plan of study and helps us stay organized and focused on spiritual enlightenment!

Creating a Family Study Journal is really simple. First, come up with a topic for each month in the year. Because Hubster and I were focused on our spiritual learning this year we picked the following topics:
2nd Coming
BOM Prophets
The Smiths
Latter-Day Prophets
Christ's Ministry

You really can pick any topic that you, as a family or couple, want to learn about. Include favorite books, hobbies, or subjects that are interesting and exciting to everybody so that everyone can be committed to learning and study all year long!

Next, assemble your binder. My binder has three "sections."

 This section is really more of a sheet. The very first page of our binder is a list of our New Year's goals. This just helps to remind us what we are working towards.

Please notice that Hubster's goals are still blank. . . hm. . . interesting!

 Again, section two is really more of a sheet. In the front pocket of our binder is a Reading Chart to mark off each day we read from the scriptures. (This is one of our New Year's goals) You could keep a chart to mark off any family goals. It's nice to have this chart with our study material so we can look at it and record our progress each week.

Finally, a real section! Section three consists of a tab, topic page, calendar, notes page, and space for articles and information for each month.

 At the beginning of each month, we sit down and review the topic we have selected. Then, we assign the lucky winner of each week's lesson and of course, plan a treat. The calendar helps us to plan ahead and schedule lesson assignments around our busy schedules. The topic page behind each tab simply lists the topic and a scripture or brief description for of that month's theme. The notes page is used to record scriptures, favorite quotes, or inspirations, and there is extra space behind each notes page for articles, information, pictures, activities and whatever else we want to use and save for that month's lessons.

Easy Peasy! While our journal isn't anything flashy, and I would be lying if I told you it has magically turned us in to diligent, super FHE people, it has been helpful in keeping our study organized and us motivated.

I really believe that one key to a happy family is to be spiritually fed everyday! So, as my a gift to all the other binder-lovers out there or those of you who are looking to organize the chaos that is FHE here are the printable versions of the {Family Study Journal}. Nothing fancy but very useful!
In pdf and word - so you can customize :)




(Word Doc)

(Word Doc)

NOTE: The Printables seem to load better when using Internet Explorer. If you have problems, just let us know!


And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith. 
D&C 88: 118

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Smile Challenge!

Well, if you can believe it, Valentine's Day is past and February is halfway over!  Doesn't it seem like time just flies!?  Hopefully you had a wonderful day of love!  How did last week's Smile Challenge go?  We hope you had fun and created lots of smiles!

Mr. Handsome was very surprised with his warm towel.  It was really fun, and I plan on doing it again soon!  We'd LOVE to hear how it went for you!  Just leave us a comment or shoot us an email.

Ok, now for this week's {Monday SMILE Challenge}!!

{Your challenge should you choose to accept it}:
Write a love note, or an appreciation note to someone you love.  Let them know all the things you love about them and why they are so special to you.  Then, either just give it to them, or be sneaky and leave it somewhere you know they will find it.  This is a tried and true method to create smiles!  For extra fun, try leaving their favorite candy bar or drink with the note.  :)

Good luck, and have fun!

{COMING THIS WEEK}: Kiddo Time: 5 Activities Your Kids will LOVE; Recipe for Pink Lemonade Cake; printables and more!   

If you haven't seen this yet, here's the link to a fun printable quote that I think hits the mark for family life!  {HERE}

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Because We Are...

I saw this quote on Pinterest {love that site!} this morning and LOVED IT!  I decided I loved it so much that I wanted it framed in my living I put together a few different layouts to see what I liked best.  And I thought I'd share!  {Download} your favorite design or download them all!  I hope you smile when you read this quote, too.  It is perfect!  Enjoy, and I'd love to see pictures of what you create/arrange with this printable!

Click on the image to see it bigger and download to your computer:)

{Be sure to pin your favorite!!!  Thanks:)}

Keep having an awesome day!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Love Story

In honor of all the hearts, roses and arrow-wielding babies flying around on this, Valentine's Day, I've decided to record my own love story. It's definitely not an epic, run-across-the-beach-into-each-others-arms-tear-jerker but it was the most magical time of my life!

When I first heard Hubster's name, I was seated in his dad's office talking about my academic future, while he was serving his LDS mission in Lisbon, Portugal. Even after listening to stories of his heroic feats, hearing snippets of his letters home and seeing his handsome picture, I wasn't even considering this dark-haired, smiling absentee. I was determined to follow the plan: complete my degree and wait for my missionary.

A few months later, a little bird - unnaturally similar to Hubster's dad - told me that, due to a pretty serious illness, Hubster would be coming home early from his mission. I offered the appropriate sentiments but still knew there was no way I was interested. A week later I walked into class with my best-roommate Rachel, took my seat next to Hubster's brother, K. (who I had met a semester early), and didn't even notice the new guy sitting on the back row. After chatting for a few minutes, K. invited his brother to come sit by us. Wait, what? Your brother? This was when I first, met Hubster.

I remember the exact moment. Turning around in my chair, noticing his blue eyes, saying hi, explaining how much I had heard about him. Rach and I gossiped about him the whole walk home.

The weeks that followed seemed harmless. Hubster was a frequent visitor in my classes; his professor-father gave him a free pass. He asked me out shortly after our first meeting, but I said I was too busy. I was busy, but I was also just wanting to wait for my missionary and avoid any other romantic messes. So, instead Hubster went out with Rachel a few times. He would pick her up at our apartment for dates, come over to watch movies, and drop by with treats. Alas, Rach had the same mission-waiting-syndrome I was plagued with and, soon enough, Hubster moved on. 

After a few months of medical treatment and tests, Hubster decided to return to the mission field. He was called to serve in Seattle, Washington and left in July. He was gone, I only had two semesters left until graduation, and I was happy to just have fun. I can honestly say I probably didn't even think of him for a solid 5 months. 

But then, in September I learned that Hubster's illness was back and he would have to come home for good. He returned to Cedar and a few weeks later I felt compelled to write him a little note, welcoming him home and telling him how thankful I was for his example in returning to the mission. He said thanks and asked for my number. 

I gave it to him.

The entire month of December we texted and emailed. I was at home for Christmas Break and he was still in Cedar. My mom got suspicious and wondered aloud why I was so preoccupied with this boy. I wasn't entirely sure. He was just so easy to talk to. Funny, kind, and interesting.

In January, I went back to Cedar to finish my final semester of school. I had resolved that Hubster and I were "just be friends." The first day of courses found me again sitting in Professor H's office, discussing my Senior Project, when Hubster suddenly walked in. He sat down next to me, said, "I like your red shoes," and from that moment we were both oblivious to anything his dad may have said. Hubster asked me to show him where the music building was, and since it was on my way to class I obliged. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday for the rest of the semester I showed him where the music building was. I was a dedicated tour guide. 

Hubster and I started to hang out more; we watched movies, went to lunch, and he walked me through the Library at closing time. I tried to rationalize the fun we had and my feelings for him to my friends, my parents, and myself. We were just pals. He was just a good friend. Our relationship wasn't going anywhere. I was still waiting for my missionary and Hubster knew it. 

On January 23rd we went on our first official date. Hubster took me to St. George for dinner and some black-light mini-golf. After our game, it was such nice weather we decided to walk around the temple. Hand-in-hand we took a couple laps. We went up the front stair case and Hubster hugged me. He was shaking terribly and I thought perhaps he was sick, he hadn't looked well at dinner, but he insisted we keep walking. We finally made it another lap and stopped under a tree. He turned to face me and we kissed. Suddenly his shaking stopped and he looked well again. I was in heaven.

Two months later Hubster told me that he loved me. We were sitting in my apartment when he said leaned toward me and whispered that somehow, he just knew he loved me. I didn't know what to say or do. I thought that maybe I did love him, but I also thought I was waiting for a missionary. So, I didn't say it back. I had never used that word with anyone outside my family. I knew that when I did say it, I had to mean it. I had been saving that word for my whole life, for that one person I would love forever.

A week later, as Hubster was leaving my apartment I told him that I loved him too. And I meant it.

The next two months were a crazy blur of  late night dinners, moonlight dances,  Sunday walks, and being together entirely too much. We felt separation anxiety during vacations. I met his family. And he met mine. Both families approved. We looked at rings and talked about kids and jobs and dreams. But, I was still stubbornly determined to wait for my missionary before taking the next step.

I think I felt the pressure of friends, family, and expectations. I knew that I loved Hubster and could not possibly live without him, but I was holding on to some part of my old, pre-in-love self who thought that she owed it to someone to wait. And so, I waited, and lucky for me Hubster waited too.

The week after graduation I moved home, my missionary returned and we planned to meet. That morning I called Hubster and told him I loved him. He said the same and reminded me that he would  wait for me as long as I needed. Well, I only needed about two minutes. My missionary and I had a good talk and ended as much friends as possible. I called Hubster on my way home and told him I was his, forever, no strings attached.

He surprised me by walking into my mother's kitchen ten minutes later. I'm almost certain I cried! 

A week later, Hubster took me on a date to St. George for dinner and some black-light mini-golf. As I walked through the maze on Hole 7, I was completely oblivious to what was happening behind me. When I noticed Hubster wasn't following, I turned around, walked around the corner and there he was: golf balls in one hand, a driver and ring in the other, with a white T-shirt that read, "Will you marry me?" Not known for my quick whit, I replied, "Seriously?" Good think he's patient! He said yes, slipped the ring on my finger, we kissed, and I lost all the remaining holes.

On July 31 we were married for time and all eternity. It was truly an emotion-filled, crazy, fast, GREAT day. But at the very moment we became Mr. and Mrs. H, best friends and companions always and forever, I knew that I was the luckiest girl in the world and that I would love Hubster a little more every day, for the rest of eternity.
Hugs, Kisses and Happy Valentine's!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Start of Something New!!

Happy Monday!  A lot of thought was put into the planning of this blog, and we are excited to introduce you to a new, fun addition to Mondays.

The Monday Smile Challenge!!!

Here's how it goes:

Each Monday we will post a "Smile Challenge" for the week.  This challenge will involve creating smiles {happiness!} for you and for others.  We invite you to join us in this challenge each week as we do our best to create smiles.  As we {along with you!} accept these challenges and follow through, we have no doubt that some pretty amazing and heart-warming experiences will result.  We will share some of our experiences with you, our awesome readers, and we would love to hear your stories!  Please leave a comment of your experience if you would like to share, or shoot us an email.  We sometimes will share some of your stories {with permission, of course!} on the blog so everyone can be inspired!  Now, for this week's challenge!


*This challenge focuses on your significant other, but you can also do this for your kiddos.  Whatever works best for you! I am writing this challenge from a wife's perspective.

{Your challenge, should you choose to accept it}:
While your man is in the shower, throw a towel in the dryer to make it nice and warm.  When your love steps out of the shower, either have the towel laid out or be ready to hand him the warm towel.  Guaranteed to make his day!  I don't know about you, but I don't like getting out of the shower because I don't like being cold!  Warm towel = big smile:)

Good luck, have fun, and we are excited to hear your stories!

If you like this post, please share with your friends and 'pin' us!

I originally found this idea on one of my favorite dating/marriage sites. The Dating Divas.  Check them out:)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Happiness

Before I head to bed, I just had to share a simple moment of happiness in our lives tonight.  

Mr. Handsome and I were relaxing and watching an episode of Top Shot {one of our current favorites!}, and Little Man was entertained with his toys.  After a few minutes, Little Man grabs a storybook and walks over to Mr. Handsome, handing him the book.  Instead of giving the book back and saying not right now, my amazing Mr. Handsome pauses the show, pulls Little Man up onto his lap, and reads him the story.  Talk about taking my breath away!  I quickly grabbed the camera and snapped a picture to freeze that moment in my memory forever.

{I am in love with these two} 

Sometimes it's the smallest and most simple moments that take up the most room in your heart.

This was one of those moments. :) 

Have an awesome weekend and stay tuned for a something special coming on Monday.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homemade Valentine

{FREE printables below:}

Last week, Hubster said, and I quote, "I hate Valentines Day. It's just a stupid holiday used to make guys feel bad about themselves for not getting their woman something really nice." Well, that's one opinion.

Unfortunately for the love-of-my-life, I enjoy V-Day. It's warm, fuzzy, everything is Red (my third favorite color). Not to mention it is a great time to be creative in spreading the L-O-V-E. So here are
2 Homemade Valentine Ideas for showing your significant other (or mom, dad, sibling, kiddo, and crush) how much you heart them this Valentine's Day - cheap and easy style. Complete with free printables!

Keep reading below!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Debut and Free Valentine's Day Printables!

Hello!  Welcome to the debut of Happiness is HomemadeWe are so excited you're here!  We have been looking forward to sharing this blog with you, and we hope that you'll come back often.  Please see what we're all about by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page.  Follow us for free printables, diy projects, tips and ideas for creating happiness in your home, love and date ideas, recipes, stories, name it!

 To start things off, here's some fun FREE Valentine's Day printables.  Just click on the design you want , then right click and save to your computer for you to keep!  I am posting both the .gif and the .jpg files.  

We would just ask that before you download the clipart, please pin your favorite design onto Pinterest (if you are a pinner!) to help spread the word and get Happiness is Homemade on the map!  ("Pin It" button on the top right of the home page.)  

Thanks!!!  Enjoy and check back soon for more fun!
Leave us a comment to let us know you were here!! :)

Click to "keep reading" to see the free printables!
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