
Friday, February 24, 2012

Edible Finger Painting

Little Man loves anything gooey.  He loves to squish, squirt and crumble.  I just know that he would love to fingerpaint, but I also know something else he loves to!  So, regular finger paints are out.  Enter {Edible Finger Paints!}  I originally saw this idea HERE and fell in love, so we decided to try it!

What you need:
- Plain yogurt
- Food coloring

 That's it!  Scoop some yogurt into small containers, drop in a tiny bit of food coloring (colors of your choice!) in each container.  Mix each color and you're ready to go!

 Mmm...tastes good!  Worry free painting! =)

This activity kept Little Man occupied for at least 20 minutes (pretty good for an 11 month old!), and it was very entertaining for me!  We will definitely be doing this again!  We used the high chair tray as Little Man's canvas, which was a blast.  You can put down a piece paper to paint on if you want to preserve your kiddo's creation.  Happy painting!

More fun kiddo activities coming soon!

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