
Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Happiness

Before I head to bed, I just had to share a simple moment of happiness in our lives tonight.  

Mr. Handsome and I were relaxing and watching an episode of Top Shot {one of our current favorites!}, and Little Man was entertained with his toys.  After a few minutes, Little Man grabs a storybook and walks over to Mr. Handsome, handing him the book.  Instead of giving the book back and saying not right now, my amazing Mr. Handsome pauses the show, pulls Little Man up onto his lap, and reads him the story.  Talk about taking my breath away!  I quickly grabbed the camera and snapped a picture to freeze that moment in my memory forever.

{I am in love with these two} 

Sometimes it's the smallest and most simple moments that take up the most room in your heart.

This was one of those moments. :) 

Have an awesome weekend and stay tuned for a something special coming on Monday.

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