
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Green Week!!

Mr. Handsome is a small part Irish, and he enjoys {St. Patrick's Day}, but he had no idea what he got into when he married me.  Ever since I can remember, I have loved St. Patty's Day.  When I was a little girl I was fascinated with Leprechauns and Ireland.  So fascinated, in fact, that I spent a good amount of time researching Leprechauns, checking out books at the library about Ireland and even learning the ASL sign for "leprechaun."  I spent many hours searching for the little green men, building traps and writing notes.  My Leprechaun hunting adventures are some of my favorite childhood memories.

I remember one day when I was about 8 years old, my Dad said he wanted to show me something.  We got on the computer and he told me about this new thing called the Internet.  He said you could search for anything that you wanted and find pictures and information about it.  I was SO excited and amazed!  The very first thing I asked my Dad to look up on this new thing called Internet was...that's right, you guessed it...LEPRECHAUNS!  I still remember the excitement I felt as I saw the results pop up.  I knew with all this information I'd be able to catch a Leprechaun for sure!

I have been a huge fan of Ireland, Leprechauns and St. Patty's Day ever since, and throughout this week Erin and I will share our St. Patty's Day adventures with you!  We will help you prepare for the Green Day itself!  (March 17!)  Watch for green printables, green recipes, {St. Patrick's Day} activities, stories and fun!  To begin, here are some fun printables to get you excited for the big day!

Keep your eyes might just see a Leprechaun:)


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{Tomorrow for Green Week: St. Patrick's Day crafts!}

Check out these fun Link Parties:

A Diamond in the Stuff

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you and thank you! Perry and I are co-ordinators for a St Patrick's day Talent show. Send every idea our way......Love you!
