
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Old Jeans Repurposed

It's Tuesday, and it's nap time:)  Perfect time for a little post!

I've had a pile of Mr. Handsome's old, holy work jeans lying around for a while, and I decided to finally do something with them.  So, I hopped onto my all-time favorite go-to website...handy dandy Pinterest... and found some cute ideas for re-purposing old jeans!  {I have learned how to do so many new things via Pinterest!} 

I have SO many friends and family members who are having babies in the next few months, so I decided to whip up some cute baby gifts.  Unfortunately, I did not take pictures during the sewing process, but I will post the links to the original and very helpful tutorials.

 {I bet Mr. Handsome never knew his old jeans could look so cute!}

These adorable jean skirts were SO easy to make, and I was very pleased with how they turned out!  The only other item of clothing I have ever sewn is pajama pants, so it was fun to open up my world a little bit.  The original tutorial is by Jill from Homemade by Jill, but she writes the tutorial as a guest blogger on Kojo Designs The link to the tutorial is {HERE}.

My finished product:

 The bibs were even easier than the skirts, I think, and they turned out so cute!  The dark denim bib is definitely my favorite.  See the cute purple flower fabric?  My Mom had a dress made out of that exact fabric when she was a little girl.  This is a leftover scrap.  Kind of cool:)  I found the denim bib tutorial at Thimbly Things by Kristena Derrick.  There are so many creative people out there!  The link to the denim bib tutorial is {HERE}

My completed bibs...(I still have a few more to finish!):

Not perfect, but they have a little character!  I can't wait to try a skirt on an adorable little baby girl....a few more months!!  Happy crafting!

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