
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Markers and a Mirror

Hubster and I have always been note writers. When we were dating, I would love to find a little message tucked under my windshield wiper after class, and I would always find myself jotting down love letters during especially boring lectures. Hubster has kept every note I've ever written him (even the 22 sticky notes I gave him for his 22nd birthday) because he's a romantic! However, when school season rolls around we find it more and more difficult to leave little notes. It sounds like a pathetic excuse but between school, work, homework, study groups, family functions, church activities, the gym, household duties, and, of course, March Madness, it's hard to even find time to scrounge up a pen and paper. And we don't even have kids yet. . . sign!

To remedy the lack-of-notes problem in our household I employed some dry erase markers and the bathroom mirror for weekly  {Mirror Games}.

We store three dry erase markers right next to the cotton balls, q-tips, and lotion on the vanity and use them to leave each other little notes or quick reminders in the morning or before bed, and challenge each other to a weekly game of cunning and skill!

Currently, we're embattled in a very intense round of Connect 4.   

Some of our favorite {Mirror Games} are:
  • The Dot Game
  • Hang Man
  • 6 Grid Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Connect 4
  • Crossword
It's funny, but playing {Mirror Games} and leaving little {Mirror Messages} has given Hubster and I something to look forward to doing together, while apart, during the daily grind. It's hard to avoid the bathroom, even on the busiest days, and those markers are always there, just daring us to leave a note or make our move. I'm not going to lie, I frequently race to the bathroom on my lunch break just to take my turn, and we frequently stay up especially late, huddled in the bathroom, laughing ,. . . just to see who wins!


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