
Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Smile Challenge: Errands for Ethan

I know this Monday Smile Challenge post is a little late in the day, but I won't apologize because I've spent my day with Little Man!  There is nothing quite like the smile on your child's face when you get down on their level and play with them.  I love it:)

Today's Smile Challenge was is in honor of an amazing little boy named Ethan.  I did not know this sweet boy, and I do not know his family.  However, his story has touched my heart, and I want to share it with all of you.

{Your challenge should you choose to accept it}:
The Ellsworth family lost their amazing young son last year.  Please participate with us in "Errands for Ethan" by doing quiet acts of service to keep his memory alive! 

Here is the links to find out more about "Errands for Ethan" and how we can all join in making the world a better place one random act of kindness at a time.  Please take the time to read Ethan's story.

Keep smiling!



  1. Thank you for posting this on your blog. We love that people like our idea of remembering our son. We plan to have this day each year devoted to having everyone try to remember to do a kind deed for another. I'd like to try every day of the year personally, but hope to inspire others at least once a year. Thanks again for sharing. You have no idea how much joy it brings to our famiy on such a hard day, to know others are out there doing service in his memory. Thanks again!

    1. You're welcome! Thank YOU and your family for your amazing example of strength and faith. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! =)
